Chess Punks Unite! Wainscott – Williams 1-0

Last night at the club I played seven time WI state champion Bill Williams.  Prior to this game my record against Bill in classical games was one win, two draws, and 12 losses.

While overall I am not satisfied with my play over the past several months, the one area where I think I’ve been performing at a high level is tactics.

This game was no exception since I spotted the genesis of an idea in this position.  See if you can see it.  Keep in mind that this is not a puzzle since the idea can’t be brought to fruition yet.  It requires help by the opponent.

Here is the game.

Til Next Time,

Chris Wainscott

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One thought on “Chess Punks Unite! Wainscott – Williams 1-0”

  1. Nice game I guess.

    This stuff is way over my head.

    Chess confuses me. Especially strategy and tactics.

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