No Missed Tactics Today!

Today, for the first time, I missed zero tactics during my training session.

As a reminder, what I’ve been doing is using Andrzej Krzywda’s method  of solving puzzles on chesstempo, but without logging in.  The idea is to just spend 15 minutes a day drilling simple puzzles.

Today I went 14/0, which was kind of nice.

Here are my results so far.  I did miss one day.

Date Day Correct/Missed
7/1/2018 Day 1 16/5
7/2/2018 Day 2 16/6
7/3/2018 Day 3 22/4
7/4/2018 Day 4 20/3
7/5/2018 Day 5 11/3
7/6/2018 Day 6 18/3
7/7/2018 Day 7 11/5
7/8/2018 Day 8 12/7
7/9/2018 Day 9 14/5
7/10/2018 Day 10 18/4
7/11/2018 Day 11 15/6
7/12/2018 Day 12 18/2
7/13/2018 Day 13 21/2
7/14/2018 Day 14 16/2
7/15/2018 Day 15 17/5
7/16/2018 Day 16 18/3
7/17/2018 Day 17 11/6
7/18/2018 Day 18 15/3
7/19/2018 Day 19 missed
7/20/2018 Day 20 11/7
7/21/2018 Day 21 13/3
7/22/2018 Day 22 12/5
7/23/2018 Day 23 10/8
7/24/2018 Day 24 8/3
7/25/2018 Day 25 12/5
7/26/2018 Day 26 12/6
7/27/2018 Day 27 14/0

Til Next Time,

Chris Wainscott

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