What Could be Better Than Josh Friedel? More Josh Friedel!

On today’s episode of Perpetual Chess Ben Johnson interviewed my friend and coach Josh Friedel.

You can listen to that interview here, or wherever you get your podcasts from!

This winds up being quite timely since Josh just started a weekly YouTube chess improvement series called “autopsy” in which he breaks down a game to describe what the “cause of death” (the loss) was.

This doesn’t necessarily mean the blunder that ended the game.  Instead it can mean what went wrong from a strategic standpoint to cause the blunder.

Here are the first two episodes of Autopsy.

Fair warning, the first one has some minor technical difficulties which are largely corrected in the second one.

I assume they’ll continue to get even better as time goes by!

I hope you enjoy all of this as much as I did!

Til Next Time,

Chris Wainscott

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