Finally Got a Study 100% Correct!

The subject says it all!  After several attempts over several days I finally got a study completely correct!

Here it is…

You will find the solution at the bottom of this post, but I encourage you to spend ten minutes on it first, just like I did!

Since I heard Andrzej Krzywda on Perpetual Chess recently I have been following his advice and solving studies.  Really the idea is just to immerse yourself into a position for a length of time (in this case ten minutes) and work on calculation.

I wrote about it a few days ago with this:

At that time, and until now, I hadn’t solved any completely correct, including any side variations, but finally that’s a thing of the past!

Let’s hope that this continues.

Til Next Time,

Chris Wainscott

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1.Nf7 Ba1 2.Kb1 Bc3 (or d4, f6, g7) 3.Nd6+ Kxc7 4.Nb5+ (or whatever square will fork the king and bishop depending on the alternate moves listed above…)

1.Nf7 Bd4 2.Nd6+ Kxc7 3.Nb5+